Laryngeal massage …a complementary approach to managing voice disorders

Our final video upload from the recent  ‘Dysphonia~let’s talk about it’ forum, provides an overview of laryngeal massage, a complementary therapy approach to managing voice disorders.

Rachael Cunningham is an accomplished Opera Singer and a specialised myofascial massage therapist. The founder of Vocalease Massage in Sydney, Rachael works alongside laryngologists and speech therapists to help in the management of dysphonia. While she acknowledges that the technique in itself is not curative, it supports good voice use and helps to reduce vocal strain caused by competing muscles, which often occur secondary to a chronic voice disorder.

Rachael starts her presentation with a brief  story of myofacial release massage as it is being used at the Vanderbilt Voice Centre in Nashville, U.S, before sharing her local experience of laryngeal massage and multidisciplinary approach to voice management.

6 thoughts on “Laryngeal massage …a complementary approach to managing voice disorders

    1. Hi Sue – yes, we hear you 😦 your frustrations are shared.
      There are a few practitioners in your area so take a look at the directory page or alternatively email and I will try to put you in touch with someone.
      Don’t forget the online support in facebook group ‘dysphonia let’s talk about it’ – Keep smiling.


    2. Hi sue, I also have muscle tension dysphonia. Wondering if you have found anything that helps. Are or have you seeked help from a speech pathologist?


      1. HI Sandy – thanks for making contact. Laryngeal massage can be helpful for MTD – it’s a matter of finding the right practitioner. This may be a speech pathologist, massage therapist or even physiotherapist – just be sure it is someone with experience in this field. Take a look at the directory links, or feel free to get in touch via the contact us page for more information or help finding someone.


  1. Hello, i have been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia which I atributed to a stressful event in my previous workplace. I used to be a singer but I could not sing properly now. I feel sad to listen to my voice because I cannot virtually sing. It seems that no singing voice comes out when I sing, it seems to come in whispers. I had numerous therapies, I have given up now. It was good to access your website and try other methods . Thanks


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